一 般 諸 元
•艦 長: |
390 |
呎 |
6 吋 |
•艦 寬: |
40 |
呎 |
10 吋 |
•最大速率: |
31 |
.2 |
節 |
•經濟速率: |
15 |
節 |
•吃 水: |
14 |
4 吋 |
•排 水
量: |
2,616 |
噸 |
(標準) |
.Length: |
390 |
6 in. |
.Width: |
40 |
10 in. |
.Max. Speed: |
31 |
.2 |
kts. |
.Eco. Speed: |
15 |
kts. |
.Draft: |
14 |
4 in. |
.Displacement: |
2,616 |
tons tons
(standard) |
歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 徐明昭上校 (62.04.01-64.01.31)
第 二任艦長 李覲基上校 (64.01.31-65.12.06)
第 三任艦長 錢思同上校 (65.12.06-67.09.08)
第 四任艦長 李伊州上校 (67.09.08-69.03.28)
第 五任艦長 周鏡宏上校 (69.03.28-70.08.14)
第 六任艦長 祝本立上校 (70.08.14-72.02.19)
第 七任艦長 韋宗定上校 (72.02.19-73.06.14)
第 八任艦長 馮亦中上校 (73.06.14-74.12.07)
第 九任艦長 溫在春上校 (74.12.07-76.07.15)
第 十任艦長 曾震威上校 (76.07.15-77.09.02)
第十一任艦長 嚴維中上校 (77.09.02-78.12.30)
第十二任艦長 邱奕如上校 (78.12.30-80.03.05)
第十三任艦長 姜光華上校 (80.03.05-81.06.05)
第十四任艦長 纂建倫上校 (81.06.05-82.09.18)
第十五任艦長 徐 博上校 (82.09.18-83.05.14)
第十六任艦長 李 皓上校 (83.05.14-85.03.27)
第十七任艦長 夏君達中校 (85.03.27-85.06.27)
第十八任艦長 蘇立青中校 (85.06.27-87.03.27)
第十九任艦長 俞虎平中校 (87.03.27-88.03.16)
萊 陽 沿 革 史

萊陽艦訪問韓國, 支隊幹部與僑領合影留念。 The
photograph of the Midshipmen Cruise
Training Squadron commander and
officers and the overseas Chinese
leaders while the DDG-920, ROCS
Lai-Yang visited South Korea. |
Gearing級驅逐艦,原編號DD-790 。係由美國華盛頓州西雅圖市陶德造船廠建造,一九四六年六月二十一日成軍,隸屬美海軍太平洋艦隊,曾參加韓戰及越戰獲有輝煌戰果。
民國六十九年五月該艦完成武進二號射控系統工程,復於民國七十一年換裝76公厘快砲,使該艦成為兼具防空功能之飛彈驅逐艦。萊陽軍艦在海軍服勤二十五年餘,執行海峽偵巡、護航、敦睦遠航及各 |
項演訓等任 務,航跡遍佈太平洋與台灣週邊海域,總計航行四萬八千七百餘小時,總航程五十一萬三千一百多浬。為護衛海疆安全貢獻甚多,隨著海軍新一代兵力整建,於八十八年三月十六日除役,永遠的走入歷史。
Lai-Yang was the ex-USS Shelton, the
Gearing-class (FRAM I) destroyer,
DD-790, laid down by Todd Pacific
Shipyards, Seattle, WA. on May 31, 1945,
launched on March 8, 1946 and
commissioned on June 21, 1946. She was
under the command of Pacific Fleet, USN
and participated in Korean War and
Vietnam War etc. with splendid merits
and great achievements. Stricken on 31
March 1973, she was transferred to
R.O.C. Navy on April 18, 1973 at San
Diego, CA by the ROC Taiwan’ s de facto
ambassador to the US, Mr. Shen
Chien-Hong and renamed as Lai-Yang with
the hull number DD-920. Captain Hsu
Min-Chou was in command as the first
Commanding Officer. DDG-920 later was
under the Wu-Chin II fire control system
modernization program in May,
1980,mounted the 76-mm gun in 1982, and
the upgrade equipped DDG-920 with AAW
capabilities. DDG-920 Lai-Yang was in
service of ROC Navy for 25 years. The
mission was patrolling the Taiwan Strait
and surrounding waters to convoy
midshipman training cruise, task
flotilla and various missions. She
played an important role on the Navy
force built-up and fleet combat
readiness, secure the safety of Taiwan
Strait and Maritime communications. The
overall underway
hours are 48,700 hours and the range is
513,100 nm. Finally, the DDG-920
Lai-Yang was decommissioned on March 16,
1999. |

陳 年 憶 往

南非海軍總司令蒞萊陽艦參訪。 The
Commander-In-Chief of South
African Navy(SAN) visited
DDG-920, ROCS Lai-Yang. |
俞虎平上校 民國87年3月1日-88年3月16日
Since I graduated from the
Chinese Naval Academy in 1981, I
have been serving in the
Submarine Squadron all the
times. My first assignment for
the surface ship is the
Commanding Officer of PCE-866,
Wu-Sheng. After PCE-866
decommissioned, I was assigned
as the Commanding Officer of
DDG-920, Lai-Yang, since this is
my first time working at a
boilers ship, I felt lots of
pressure and was afraid that I
am not capable to perform my job
well. When I observe all the
crews and members on board are
working so hard to achieve the
missions and tasks no matter the |

萊陽艦軍禮致敬 The Commander of the
11th TO, USN reviewed and
saluted to the DDG-920,ROCS
environments are not working
friendly, I encourage myself
to face the incoming challenges.
At the time before
decommissioning, we all still
devote ourselves to fulfill all
the tasks and missions of
patrolling and convoying, so
DDG-920, Lai-Yang could have the
best achievements in ROC Navy
history. |
Captain Yu
Hu-Ping served as the Commanding Officer
of DDG-920 from April 1, 1998.

中美兩國於美軍聖地牙哥基地舉行 萊陽交艦典禮。
The ship-transferring ceremony
of DDG-920, ROCS Lai-Yang at
San Diego, CA., USA.

萊陽艦長於美軍聖地牙哥基地 舉行升旗儀式。 The
first Commanding Officer of
DDG-920, ROCS Lai-Yang held the
national flag hoist ceremony
at San Diego, CA., USA.

美海軍末任艦長(右)合影。 The photograph
of the commissioning Commanding
Officer (center), the
decommissioning Commanding
Officer (left) and the
US decommissioning Commanding
Officer (right) at the
DDG-920, ROCS Lai-Yang. |

萊陽艦除役降旗典禮。 The
decommissioning ceremony of
DDG-920, ROCS Lai-Yang. |

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