一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 376  呎   6 吋
•艦  寬: 40  呎  
•最大速率: 34  節  
•經濟速率: 12  節  
•吃  水: 15.8  呎  
•排    量: 3,320
.Length: 376  ft.   6 in.
.Width: 40 ft.  
.Max. Speed: 34 kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 12 kts.  
.Draft: 15.8 ft.  
.Displacement: 3,320
tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 張 天上校 (59.12.16- 61.10.24)
第 二任艦長 王 勉上校 (61.10.24-63.07.15)
第 三任艦長 黃宏基上校 (63.07.15-64.11.01)
第 四任艦長 李鳴皋上校 (64.11.01-66.06.23)
第 五任艦長 劉康寰上校 (66.06.23-67.03.29)
第 六任艦長 周遠大上校 (67.05.08-69.12.10)
第 七任艦長 張至德上校 (69.12.10-71.08.06)
第 八任艦長 譚 明上校 (71.08.06-72.09.20)
第 九任艦長 符子正上校 (72.09.20-74.01.14)
第 十任艦長 阮 洋上校 (74.01.14-75.02.04)
第十一任艦長 李慶鐘上校 (75.02.04-76.06.27)
第十二任艦長 雷光墅上校 (76.06.27-77.09.18)
第十三任艦長 劉 亨上校 (77.09.18-78.11.29)
第十四任艦長 鄭仕孫上校 (78.11.29-80.03.14)
第十五任艦長 濮海虎上校 (80.03.14-81.05.06)
第十六任艦長 周偉賢上校 (81.05.06-82.07.02)
第十七任艦長 申伯之上校 (82.07.02-84.01.14)
第十八任艦長 祝伯康上校 (84.01.14-85.07.30)
第十九任艦長 許培山上校 (85.07.30-87.02.09)
第二十任艦長 賈兆坤上校 (87.02.09-88.08.16)

惠 陽 沿 革 史
  惠陽軍艦為原美海軍 Sumner 級驅逐艦,編號DD- 696 ,於一九四三年開始建造,一九四四年二月二十七日下水,同年五月四日完工成軍,於美服役期間,曾參加第二次世界大戰,戰果輝煌。一九七○年五月十五日於美除役,民國六十年一月十二日拖返我國。

DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang performed the endurance underway training and the replenishment exercise with DDG-919, ROCS Kuen-Yang.

DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang joined with DDG-914, ROCS Lo-Yang and DDG-915, Han-Yang performed flying target firing exercise at Makung area.

Vice Admiral 包伯格, the Commander of ROC & US Allied Defense Command presented a speech at the commissioning ceremony of DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang.


  DDG-906 Huei-Yang was ex-USS English, the Sumner class destroyer, DD-696, she was laid down by Federal Shipbuilding, Kearny, NJ on October 19,1943 and launched on February 27, 1944 and commissioned on May 4,1944. She has been participating in the World War II with splendid merits. In 1970, US Government transferred the USS English DD-696 to R.O.C. Navy.
The ship was re-commissioned as Huei-Yang with the hull number DDG-906 by General Lai, Ming-Tang, the former Chief of General Staffs, Ministry of National Defense in 1971. DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer was under
the command of Squadron 12, Destroyer Flotilla. In 1978, DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer was under the modernization program of Wu-Chin I combat system and as the first Wu-Chin I combat system destroyer of ROC Navy.
DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer was in service of ROC Navy for 28 years and had been through 20 commanding officers, patrolling the Taiwan Strait and surrounding waters, convoying offshore islands support and supply, designated missions, escorting the fishing vessels and various missions which plays an important role on the Naval force construction and combat readiness,secure the safety of Taiwan Strait and Maritime communications. She was performing Allied maritime exercises such as ROC-US ASW joint exercise and Sky-Horse Exercise and
successfully struck the US air target with the praise of letter from the US 7th Fleet Commander.

Finally, the DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer was decommissioned on August 16, 1999.

陳 年 憶 往
  當時本艦奉命與中科院合作試射初研發的雄風一型飛彈,並於一個月內成功的試射了九枚飛彈,深獲各級長官嘉許,艦上官兵也因此擁有高度的榮譽心與向心力。此外,本艦也曾經擔任 Aim 7 2F

 民國72年3月16日 ~ 73年7月1日

  I still remembered the time I was assigned as the missile officer of DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer in 1983, and I was working for two Commanding Officers, Captain Tan Min and Captain Fu, Chih-Chen. Both Commanding Officers had strict self-disciplines and required high standards and qualities of maintenance and repair on all equipments and daily training, but they are also very kind and generous to all the crews, therefore, every crew on the ship was working very hard and devoting his effort for the ship.
  At the time of my duty on DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer, we were assigned the mission of testing the Hsiung-Feng I ASUW
missiles developed by the CSIST, and we had tested firing 9 missiles in totally with successful results, as well as the testing of AIM 72F Sea Chaparral SAM. Through lots of successful missions and exercises with lots of praises and all the officers and crews built up great confidence and proud, it is those glory spirits and memories to make everyone of us in the DDG 906 Huei-Yang will never forget and keep working hard in the Navy!

Captain Wu was serving on the DDG-906 Huei-Yang destroyer from March 1983 to July 1984 as the missile officer,
Weaponry department.

The DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang
was assigned as the DD-696 while
in the service of US Navy.

DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang performed the designated task to deliver the
late President Chiang Ching-Kuo to review the Dongyin and Matsu offshore

DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang performed maritime replenishment exercise with
AF-59, USN.

DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang performed the designated
task to deliver the late President Yang
Chia-Gan to review the offshore islands.

General Hau Bo-Tsuen, the former
Chairman,General Chiefs of Staff, MND
got onboard of 
DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang.

Mr. Cheng Lu-An,
the former Defense Minister

got onboard of DDG-906,
ROCS Huei-Yang.

General Lai Min-Tang, t
he former Chairman, General
Chiefs of Staff, MND held the
ceremony of DDG-906, ROCS Huei-Yang.


Rear Admiral Chang, the Flotilla 168 Commander, held the decommissioning
ceremony of DDG-906,
ROCS Huei-Yang.

The photograph of the decommissioning officers and crews of DDG-906,
ROCS Huei-Yang.

