一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 390  呎  
•艦  寬: 41  呎   1 吋 
•最大速率: 35  節  
•經濟速率: 12  節  
•吃  水: 18  呎  
•排    量: 3,480
.Length: 390  ft.  
.Width: 41 ft.   1 in.
.Max. Speed: 35 kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 12 kts.  
.Draft: 18 ft.  
.Displacement: 3,480
tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 姚祖罡 上校 (72.07.01 ~ 73.07.31)

第 二任艦長 戴嘉榮 上校 (73.07.31 ~ 74.09.16)
第 三任艦長 謝燕忠 上校 (74.09.16 ~ 76.01.01)
第 四任艦長 陸如龍 上校 (76.01.01 ~ 77.04.01)
第 五任艦長 黃寶欽 上校 (77.04.01 ~ 78.07.01)
第 六任艦長 黎家平 上校 (78.07.01 ~ 79.10.01)
第 七任艦長 董 遠 上校 (79.10.01 ~ 81.02.01)
第 八任艦長 汪士錦 上校 (81.02.01 ~ 82.06.01)
第 九任艦長 許文章 上校 (82.06.01 ~ 83.11.01)
第 十任艦長 張平海 上校 (83.11.01 ~ 85.07.01)
第十一任艦長 蒲澤春 上校 (85.07.01 ~ 86.09.01)
第十二任艦長 夏君達 中校 (86.09.01 ~ 87.06.02)
第十三任艦長 吳少華 中校 (87.06.02 ~ 87.10.16)

資 陽 沿 革 史
  資陽軍艦原為美軍Gearing Class FRAM-1級驅逐艦,編號 DD-837,一九四五年正式加入美國海軍序列,曾先後參加第二次世界大戰、韓戰及越戰。民國七十二年二月十日移交我國,同年七月九日由當時總司令劉和謙上將主持成軍典禮,命名「資陽」軍艦。資陽軍艦在海軍服役十六年,歷任十三任艦長,曾擔負海峽偵巡、外島運補護航、敦睦遠航、救難及各項演訓第二百餘次任務,於民國八十七年十月十六日功成除役。

The DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang performed
5-in gun firing exercise at sea.

Admiral Sung, Charng-Jyh, the defense minister boarded
the DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang.

  DDG-930 Tse-Yang was the ex-USS Hawkins, the Gearing-class (FRAM I) destroyer, DD-873, laid down by Consolidated Steel, Orange, TX. on May 14, 1944, launched on October 7, 1944 and commissioned on February 10, 1945. She had participated in World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War etc. with splendid merits.
  Stricken on October 1, 1979, transferred to Taiwan, ROC, re-commissioned on July 9, 1983 by Admiral Liu He-Chian, the former Commander-In-Chief of ROC Navy and renamed Tse-Yang with the hull number DDG-930. DDG-930 Tse-Yang was in service of ROC Navy for 16 years and had been through 13 commanding officers.
  The mission was patrolling the cross-strait and surrounding waters to convoy offshore-islands-support-and-supply, midshipman training cruise, task flotilla, salvage and rescues and various missions. She played an important role on the Navy force built-up and fleet combat readiness,
secure the safety of cross-strait and maritime communications. Finally, the DDG-930 Tse-Yang was decommissioned October 16, 1998.

陳 年 憶 往


  I was assigned as the XO of DDG-930 in June 1988, at that time, Tse-Yang was the first destroyer with new hull number DDG-930 in ROC Navy.
  Since the combat system of DDG-930 is the conventional “37” system without any modernization or upgrade, so they called DDG-930 a “standard” destroyer. Though the systems and equipment are not upgraded, the DDG-930 still accomplished every task and exercise such as ASW combined exercises, convoying, patrolling and task flotilla with great achievements. During Han-Kwan Joint Exercise in 1989, we successfully launched the ASROC and torpedoes to demonstrated the best combat capabilities of Yang-class destroyers.
  DDG-930 Tse-Yang keeps lots of great traditions and honors through previous Commanding Officers, the moral, disciplines and the combat readiness of the crews and the ship is highly motivated.   
  Though DDG-930 is decommissioned in 1998, the upper-deck construction is moved to be displayed in the ROC Naval Academy, Tsoying Kaohsiung for demonstration. As an officer and has served on the DDG-930, I am so proud to be part of Tse-Yang's glory history.

General Chang Chi-Hon
has served as the X.O on DD-930 in June 1988

The DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang
launched the ASROC during the
Tzu-Chyang IV exercise.

Admiral Liu He-Chian held the commissioning
ceremony of DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang.

The DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang performed personnel inspection.

The DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang performed replenishment exercise at sea
with AR-521, ROCS Yu-Tai.


The DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang sails at sea.

The DD-930,
ROCS Tzy-Yang performed
the boat bill exercise

The crews of DD-930, ROCS Tzy-Yang performed nuclear,biological and
chemical protection exercise

