一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 376  呎   6 吋
•艦  寬: 41  呎  
•最大速率: 34  節  
•經濟速率: 15  節  
•吃  水: 15  呎   8 吋
•排    量: 2,890
.Length: 376  ft.   6 in.
.Width: 41 ft.  
.Max. Speed: 34 kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 15 kts.  
.Draft: 15 ft.   8 in.
.Displacement: 2,890
tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 朱瑞慶 上校 (59.08.21 ~ 61.10.15)

第 二任艦長 徐佩松 上校 (61.10.15 ~ 63.07.01)
第 三任艦長 馬吉申 上校 (63.07.01 ~ 65.02.09)

第 四任艦長 謝冠寰 上校 (65.02.09 ~ 66.07.25)

第 五任艦長 陳重廉 上校 (66.07.25 ~ 68.02.27)
第 六任艦長 馬中雄 上校 (68.02.27 ~ 68.07.20)
第 七任艦長 吳祖榮 上校 (68.09.01 ~ 69.06.21)
第 八任艦長 周榮綱 上校 (69.07.14 ~ 70.12.13)
第 九任艦長 張為國 上校 (70.12.13 ~ 72.05.12)
第 十任艦長 陳九如 上校 (72.05.12 ~ 73.08.20)
第十一任艦長 田永彬 上校 (73.08.20 ~ 74.10.02)
第十二任艦長 陳武宏 上校 (74.10.02 ~ 76.01.09)
第十三任艦長 朱國祥 上校 (76.01.09 ~ 77.04.21)
第十四任艦長 羅京芬 上校 (77.04.21 ~ 78.07.25)

第十五任艦長 陳 宇 上校 (78.07.25 ~ 79.10.21)
第十六任艦長 魏炳勳 上校 (79.10.21 ~ 81.01.30)
第十七任艦長 林章屏 上校 (81.01.30 ~ 82.08.18)

第十八任艦長 夏復翔 上校 (82.08.18 ~ 84.03.14)

第十九任艦長 劉忠浩 上校 (84.03.14 ~ 85.09.21)
第廿 任艦長 閻鐵麟 中校 (85.09.21 ~ 86.10.15)
第廿一任艦長 蔣宗良 中校 (86.10.15 ~ 88.01.16)

岳 陽 沿 革 史

General Lai Ming-Tang, the Chief of
General Staffs, MND embarked
the DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang to
inspect the offshore islands.

  岳陽軍艦原為美軍Allen M.Sumner級驅逐艦,編號 DD-700,由美國新澤西州聯邦造船廠建造,一九四四年六月二十二日完工成軍,曾參加第二次世界大戰。民國五十九年美國將該艦軍售移交我國,同年九月二十日拖返左營軍港,十月六日由當時總司令宋長志上將主持成軍典禮,命名「岳陽」軍艦,次年十月一日正式加入海軍戰鬥序列。

  DDG-905 was the ex-USS Haynworth, the Sumner-class destroyer, DD-700, laid down by Federal Shipbuilding, Kearny NJ. on December 16, 1943, launched on April 15, 1944 and commissioned on June 22, 1944. DD-700 had been participated in the World War II with splendid merits and great achievements.
  Stricken on January 30 1970, and transferred to ROC Navy in 1970 and the commissioning ceremony was held on October 6, 1970 by Admiral Sung, Chang-Chih, the Commander-In-Chief of ROC Navy.
  She was renamed as Yue-Yang with the hull number DDG-905 Yue-Yang was in service of ROC Navy for 28 years and with 21 Commanding Officers. The missions of DDG-905 are patrolling the cross-strait and surrounding waters to convoy


offshore islands support and supply, annually midshipman training cruise, task flotilla and various missions.
  She played an important role on the Navy force build-up and fleet combat readiness, secure the safety of cross-strait and maritime communication. DDG-905 had earned the “Best Prototype of the Armed Forces” and won the first place on firing 5 inch Gun. Finally, the DDG-905 Yue-Yang was decommissioned January 16, 1999.
陳 年 憶 往

Admiral Yu, Bo-Sheng, the deputy Chairman, General Chiefs of Staff, MND boarded DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang and reviewed the live firing exercise at sea.



  In February 1995, when I graduated from the Naval Communications and Electronics School, I was assigned at DDG-905 and in charge of the operation and maintenance of all the electronic equipments. The commanding officer was captain Liu Chung-Hao, and most of the tasks and missions were the patrolling at southwest and northeast areas as well as the convoying and escorting for southern and northern supply and transport.
  I still remembered that in December 1995, while we were patrolling along the cross-strait with strong northeast monsoon at sea, suddenly, we received an emergency order to rescue a foreign cargo grounding outside the Hsinchu area.   
  Though the sea state was so terrible, all the members on DDG-905 made our efforts to rescue those sailors and received lots of appraise nationwide. Though I served at DDG-905 for only one year, that was the most impressive memory for me to remember.

The DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang opened for the public and the families of the crew.


Admiral Sung, Charng-Chih boarded and reviewed DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang.

Petty Officer Cheng Chian-Shun
served as the Electronic at DDG-905 from February 1995 to April 1996

Admiral Yu, Bo-Sheng, the deputy
Chief of General Staffs, MND
boarded and reviewed DDG-905,
ROCS Yue-Yang.

The officers and crews of DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang participated the

The DDG-905, ROCS Yue-Yang performed the
replenishment exercise at sea.

General Chiang, Wei-Kuo, the
Superintendent of National Defense University accompanied by the student officers boarded and visited DDG-905,
ROCS Yue-Yang.

