一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 376  呎    6 吋
•艦  寬: 39  呎    7 吋
•最大速率: 36.2  節  
•經濟速率: 15  節  
•吃  水: 17  呎    9 吋
•排    量: 3,050
.Length: 376  ft.    6 in.
.Width: 39 ft.    7 in.
.Max. Speed: 36.2 kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 15 kts.  
.Draft: 17 ft.    9 in.
.Displacement: 3,050
tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 張廣恩上校 (60.11.21-63.02.12)
第 二任艦長 郭宗清上校 (63.03.22-64.08.30)
第 三任艦長 李亨源上校 (64.08.30-66.11.09)
第 四任艦長 孫洪濱上校 (66.11.09-68.07.02)
第 五任艦長 滕有祥上校 (68.07.02-70.02.05)
第 六任艦長 陳體基上校 (70.02.05-71.10.05)
第 七任艦長 黃清和上校 (71.100.5-73.01.17)
第 八任艦長 費鴻波上校 (73.01.17-74.07.24)
第 九任艦長 徐筑生上校 (74.07.24-75.08.15)
第 十任艦長 焉在歐上校 (75.08.15-76.11.24)
第十一任艦長 賓長雄上校 (76.11.24-78.03.25)
第十二任艦長 金培元上校 (78.03.25-79.06.12)
第十三任艦長 伍大一上校 (79.06.12-80.09.05)
第十四任艦長 劉慶祿上校 (80.09.05-81.11.26)
第十五任艦長 程寄萍上校 (81.11.26-83.10.01)
第十六任艦長 郁文治上校 (83.10.01-85.07.12)
第十七任艦長 昌啟鴻上校 (85.07.12-86.09.20)
第十八任艦長 馮正川中校 (86.09.20-88.07.16)

貴 陽 沿 革 史
  貴陽軍艦原為美軍 Fletcher 級驅逐艦,編號 DD-540 ,一九四三年七月十一日於舊金山建造,曾參加第二次世界大戰之塞班島戰役。民國六十年由美國軍售移交我國,同年十二月二日由當時總司令宋長志上將主持成軍典禮,命名「貴陽」軍艦。貴陽軍艦在海軍服役二十六年餘,歷任十八任艦長,曾擔負偵巡、外島運補護航、護漁及各項演訓等三百餘次任務,於民國八十八年七月十六日除役。

DDG-908 Kwei-Yang was the ex-USS Twining, the Fletcher-class destroyer, DD-540,laid down by Bethlehem Steel, San Francisco, CA. on November 20, 1942, launched on July 11, 1943 and commissioned on December 1, 1943. She had participated in Saipan operation during WW II with splendid merits and great achievements. Stricken July 1, 1971 and was sold and transferred to ROC Navy on August 16, 1971. She was renamed as Kwei-Yang with the hull number DD-908. The commissioning ceremony was held on December 2, 1971 by Admiral Sung Chang-Chih, the Commander-In-Chief of ROC Navy.
  DDG-908 Kwei-Yang was in service of ROC Navy for 26 years and through 18
Commanding Officers. The mission were patrolling the Taiwan Strait and surrounding
waters to convoy offshore- islands-support-and-supply, task flotilla and various missions.
  She played an important role on the Navy force built-up and fleet combat readiness, secure the safety of Taiwan Strait and Maritime communications. Finally, the DDG-908 Kwei-Yang was decommissioned July 16, 1999.

陳 年 憶 往

Admiral Liu He-Chian, the
Chairman, General Chiefs
of Staff, MND boarded and
reviewed the DDG-908,
ROCS Kuei-Yang.

  我們曾獲得全軍環境內務校閱最優單位,與戰術總驗收的績優單位。輪機裝備雖較同型驅逐艦老舊,但說走就走,說加 就加 ,跑起「全馬力」一點都沒問題。那時候,艦上的每一位官兵絕不會因生活條件差或任務的頻繁而有所抱怨,我們在乎的是,為何不能擊落飛靶為何不能再多些努力,以使戰力再向上提升。


  16 years ago, I was serving at DDG-908, ROCS Kwei-Yang. The living and working environments of the Yang-class destroyers were far below than the new generation frigates, however, the maintenance conditions and capabilities of the Yang-class destroyers were competitive no matter how old the ships were.
  We had won both the “Best ship of Environment Inspection” and the “Best ship of Tactics Inspection”. Though the age of DDG-908 was older than other destroyers, but the equipments were always ready and kept in great condition. I never heard any
crew ever complained about the environment or heavy tasks, however, we all cared about why we could not strike the targets, how we could work harder to maximize the ship’s capabilities.
  Due to the efforts and hard-working of the sailors, DDG-908 built up great traditions and foundations. Our best wishes were those junior officers and crew could follow the traditions and devote themselves to the Navy.

Captain Cheng Bao-Feng served as the missile officer at DDG-908
from December 1, 1984 to November 1, 1985.

The DDG-908, ROCS Kuei-Yang performed formation exercise
joined with other destroyers.

The DDG-908, ROCS Kuei-Yang sailed at sea.

The DDG-908, ROCS Kuei-Yang launched sea chaparral SAM and successfully destroyed the target during the Han-Kwang 11joint exercise.

The DDG-908, ROCS Kuei-Yang performed 5-in gun firing during Tzu-Charng exercise.

Vice Admiral Tseng Shang-Chih, the commander of Navy Logistics
Command held the Mast-laid ceremony of DDG-908, ROCS

The decommissioning ceremony of DDG-908, ROCS Kuei-Yang on July 16, 1999..

