一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 376  呎    6 吋
•艦  寬: 40  呎  10 吋
•最大速率: 34  節  
•經濟速率: 15  節  
•吃  水: 19  呎  
•排    量: 3,320
.Length: 376  ft.    6 in.
.Width: 40 ft.  10 in.
.Max. Speed: 34 kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 15 kts.  
.Draft: 19 ft.  
.Displacement: 3,320
tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 李光儀 上校 (59.02.01 ~ 60.06.30)

第 二任艦長 翁國樑 上校 (60.11.19 ~ 62.01.16)

第 三任艦長 許志傑 上校 (62.01.16 ~ 62.08.01)

第 四任艦長 黃瑞芳 上校 (62.08.01 ~ 63.12.15)
第 五任艦長 羅海賢 上校 (63.12.15 ~ 65.06.30)
第 六任艦長 董杭生 上校 (65.06.30 ~ 67.02.27)
第 七任艦長 葉可蔚 上校 (67.02.27 ~ 68.12.04)
第 八任艦長 孫華本 上校 (68.12.04 ~ 70.06.15)
第 九任艦長 江 鶩 上校 (70.06.15 ~ 71.11.30)
第 十任艦長 郭充豐 上校 (71.11.30 ~ 73.04.02)
第十一任艦長 吳軍梁 上校 (73.04.02 ~ 73.07.01)

襄 陽 沿 革 史

DD-1, ROCS Hsian-Yang assigned
as the flagship of
Midshipman Cruise Training in 1971.

  襄陽軍艦由美國伯利恆鋼鐵公司製造,一九四四年四月十七日完工成軍,編號DD- 745。
  民國五十八年十二月九日美國將該艦移交我國,翌年二月一日返國後正式成軍,命名「襄陽」軍艦,編號DD-1 ,隸屬驅逐艦隊,擔任海上巡弋及外島護航等任務。
  DDG-901 was the ex-USS Brush, DD-745, the Sumner-class destroyer, laid down by Bethlehem Steel, Staten Island, NY. on July 30, 1943, launched on December 28, 1943 and commissioned on April 17, 1944. Stricken on October 27, 1969 and  transferred to ROC Navy on December 9, 1969, commissioned on February 1, 1970 and renamed as Hsiang-Yang with the hull number DD-1.
  The mission of DD-1 was patrolling the Taiwan Strait and surrounding waters to convoy offshore-islands-support-and-supply, task flotilla and various missions. She played an important role on the Navy force built-up and fleet combat readiness, secure the safety of Taiwan Strait and Maritime communications. Finally, the DDG-901
  Hsiang-Yang was decommissioned on September 1, 1985 due to seriously damaged main engines and aging ship structure.
陳 年 憶 往  

The DD-901, ROCS Hsian-Yang
sailed at sea.

DD-1, ROCS Hsian-Yang opened for the public at Guam.



  I was assigned as the Operation Officer at DD-1 in 1976, and the complement are around 300 crews with officers. DD-1 was executing the last allied sea exercise with the US Navy for one week. Though it was not a long-time exercise, all the members and crew are working very hard to pursuit the honor. Everyone on the DD-1 was devoting himself for AAW, ASuW, and ASW exercise, and we all think that was worth it.
  I still remembered that there was one time we were patrolling at certain area, there was a Mainland Chinese fishing boat crossing the mid-line of Taiwan Strait, and they would not leave even we warned them. Therefore, we ask all the Mainland China fishermen to get onboard to witness Taiwan wealth and happiness. All the crews think that was a very successful task to persuade the Mainland China fishermen without using any force.

Mr. Tsao, Yu-Min
served as Operation Officer at DD-1 from 1976 to 1977.

Admiral Chou Chian,
the Commander-In-Chief boarded
and reviewed DD-1,
ROCS Hsian-Yang


The midshipmen participated
the Cruise Training in 1971
onboard of DD-1, ROCS Hsian-Yang.

The civilian organization visited DD-1,
 ROCS Hsian-Yang.

The Navy Council of Women visited
the crews of DD-1, ROCS Hsian-Yang.

Rear Admiral Wang, the Flotilla
Commander held the personnel
inspection of DD-1,
ROCS Hsian-Yang

Admiral Sung, Charng-Chih,
the Commander-In-Chief boarded DD-1,
ROCS Hsian-Yang and reviewed
the Fleet at sea.

Admiral Sung, Charng-Chih,
 the Commander-In-Chief boarded DD-1,
ROCS Hsian-Yang accompanied
by the officials of Executive Yuan.

The Executive Officer of DD-1,
ROCS Hsian-Yang delivered a
briefing to the senior officer.
