一 般 諸 元
•艦  長: 348    呎  2 吋
•艦  寬: 36 .5  呎  
•最大速率: 35    節  
•經濟速率: 15    節  
•吃  水: 19    呎  
•排    量: 2,575
.Length: 348    ft.  2 in.
.Width: 36 .5 ft.  
.Max. Speed: 35   kts.  
.Eco. Speed: 15   kts.  
.Draft: 19   ft.  
.Displacement: 2,575
  tons tons  (maximum)

歷 任 艦 長
第 一任艦長 俞柏生 上校 (42.11.01 ~ 44.05.01)

第 二任艦長 牟秉釗 上校 (44.05.01 ~ 45.02.01)

第 三任艦長 郭勳景 上校 (45.02.01 ~ 46.03.01)

第 四任艦長 劉德凱 上校 (46.03.01 ~ 48.05.01)
第 五任艦長 鄒 堅 上校 (48.05.01 ~ 50.01.10)
第 六任艦長 徐集霖 上校 (50.01.10 ~ 51.05.01)
第 七任艦長 姚道義 上校 (51.05.01 ~ 52.12.16)
第 八任艦長 林蟄生 上校 (52.12.16 ~ 54.04.16)
第 九任艦長 梁天价 上校 (54.04.16 ~ 55.05.16)
第 十任艦長 楊西翰 上校 (55.05.16 ~ 56.09.21)
第十一任艦長 沈 鐸 上校 (56.09.21 ~ 58.02.21)
第十二任艦長 王耀埏 上校 (58.02.21 ~ 59.05.26)
第十三任艦長 劉桂馥 上校 (59.05.26 ~ 60.07.01)
第十四任艦長 黃希賢 上校 (60.07.01 ~ 61.08.11)
第十五任艦長 劉啟賢 上校 (61.08.11 ~ 62.12.16)
第十六任艦長 莊銘耀 上校 (62.12.16 ~ 64.07.14)

洛 陽 沿 革 史
  民國四十七年八月二十日擔任先總統 蔣公座艦,巡視金門及馬祖,並於八二三砲戰期間執行海峽巡邏與掩護金門運補任務,戰功輝煌,榮獲讚譽。
  民國六十三年我海軍新購 Allen M. Sumner 級驅逐艦,並進行換裝,十一月一日該艦( DD-14 ) 光榮地從我海軍行列中除役。

  DD-14 was the ex-USS Benson, DD-421, the Benson-class destroyer, laid down by Bethlehem Steel Co., Quincy, MA. on May 16, 1938, launched on November 15, 1939 and commissioned on July 25, 1940. USS Benson had joined six important operations in World War II with great achievement and received five battle stars.
  USS Benson was transferred to ROC Navy and received by Mr. Ku, Wei-Jiun, ROC Taiwan ambassador to US on February 26, 1954. The commissioning ceremony was held by Vice 

The officers and crews boarded the
DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang at the commissioning ceremony.

Admiral Liang, Shu-Chou, the former Commander-In-Chief of Navy, and renamed as Lo-Yang with the hull number DD-14. On April 27, 1955, DD-14 was commanded by Defense Minister, Mr. Yu, Da-Wei and the CINC , Admiral Liang, Shu-Chao to review Matzu island and firing Bei-Chiao peninsula of Mt. Fen-Chi, Huang-Chi etc. On August 20, 1958, DD-14 was assigned as the flagship for the late President Chiang Kai-Shek to review the offshore islands, Kinmen and Matzu. DD-14 also patrolled the Taiwan Strait and escorted convoying the supply and transport tasks to Kinmen successfully.
  Replaced by the new procured ex-USS Allen M. Sumner class destroyers in 1974, DD-14 was finally decommissioned from service on November 1, 1974 after a long and fabulous career.
陳 年 憶 往

The commissioning ceremony
of DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang.

The DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang was
towed to the 4th Naval Shipyard
by ATF-548, ROCS Da-Tung after

  我在洛陽軍艦服勤,前後共四年的時間,卻參加了多次戰役,親身見證了中華民國海軍可歌可泣的一頁光榮史蹟。八二三砲戰前夕,洞燭機先的先總統 蔣公,特別搭乘本艦至金門、馬祖等地巡視國軍防務。砲戰爆發,本艦更是冒著敵人砲火的威脅,掩護運補船團,為國家打贏一場勝仗。有一次,本艦專送經國先生到外島巡視,和藹可親的經國先生還在甲板上教大家唱「兩隻老虎」,那一幕真是令我永生難忘。


  I spent only four years serving at DD-14, Lo-Yang, but I participated several campaigns and operations and witnessed the glorified moments of ROC Navy. Right before the August 23, 1958 Kinmen Bombing, with the perspectives and previews, the late President Chiang, Kai-Shek got onboard to sail to Kinmen and Matzu to review the combat readiness of the offshore forces. Once the Kinmen Bombing outbreak, DD-14 covered and escorted the supply group under the threat of hostile firing, and finally won the battle. I still

 remembered one time the DD-14 was tasked to embark Mr. Chiang, Ching-Kuo to review the offshore islands combat readiness. Mr. Chiang, Ching-Kuo was very kind that he even taught us how to sing the song "Two tigers" ( "Where is thumb king" ), and that was the most impressive moment I will never forget.
  Besides, DD-14 even performed the base training and allied exercises with the 7th Fleet, USN. Our skills and tactics received highly praise of US Navy commander, and earned the respects and honors for ROC Navy.

 Mr. Yang Chia-Liang
served as the engineering petty officer at DD-14 from 1955 to 1959

The DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang
sailed at sea.


The students boarded and visited
the DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang.

The commemorative stamp of DD-14,
ROCS Lo-Yang. The top-right
corner is the first Commanding Officer,
Captain Yu, Bo-Shen.

Vice Admiral Lee, the Fleet Commander
reviewed the personnel
inspection of the crews at DD-14,
ROCS Lo-Yang.

Mr. Yu, Bo-Shen, the first Commanding
Officer accompanied by Admiral
 Liu, He-Chian, the Chairman,General
  Chiefs of Staff, MND boarded and
 reviewed DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang.

The decommissioning officers and
crews debarked
the DD-14, ROCS Lo-Yang with
great memories.

